Wednesday 17 April year 2008

Wednesday 30 April year 2008


Hieromartyr Simeon, Persian Bishop
During the reign of the wicked Emperor Sapor (Savori), Simeon was tortured for Christ along with his two presbyters, Audel and Ananias. The emperor's eunuch, Ustazan, who had earlier denied Christ and afterward, touched by the rebuke of St. Simeon, again, confessed the True Faith before the emperor. A thousand other Christians were also led to the place of execution with Simeon. Simeon intentionally moved out of the way in order to be the last one to be beheaded so as to encourage the other Christians to the end, so that, not one of them would waver because of their fear of death. When the presbyter Ananias placed his head on the chopping block, his entire body quivered. The emperor's court clerk Fusik, who secretly was a Christian, began to encourage Ananias saying: " Do not be afraid old man, close your eyes and be brave so that you may see the divine light." As soon as Fusik said this, he was recognized as a Christian and was accused before the emperor. The emperor exhausted him through great torture, as well as his daughter, the maiden Askitria. After St. Simeon saw his flock depart to the other world, he was finally beheaded. The following year on Great Friday (Good Friday), Azat (Ustazan), the beloved eunuch of the emperor, was also slain for Christ and with him a thousand other faithful. Then the emperor mourned for his eunuch and suspended the further killing of Christians. They all suffered honorably for Christ the King and Lord in the year 341 or 344 A.D.

Saint Acacius, Bishop of Melitene
Acacius lived the ascetical life in the place where he was born, i.e., in Melitene, Armenia. Blessed Otreius, bishop of that city, who participated at the Second Ecumenical Council (Constantinople 381 A.D.), ordained him a presbyter. Following the death of Otreius, Acacius became a bishop. He participated at the Third Ecumenical Council (Ephesus 431 A.D.), which condemned the evil blasphemy of Nestorius against the Mother of God. Here, together with St. Cyril of Alexandria, Acacius zealously fought for the purity of the Orthodox Faith. St. Acacius possessed much Grace from God and worked many miracles. After long and zealous service to God, Acacius died peacefully in the year 435 A.D.

Saint Agapitus, Pope of Rome
Agapitus was sent to the Emperor Justinian in Constantinople by Theodahad, the King of the Goths, to dissuade him from his campaign against the Goths. Enroute, he healed a mute and blind person. In Constantinople, Agapitus assisted in confirming Orthodoxy and died in the year 536 A.D.

Venerables Sabatius and Zosimus
Sabatius and Zosimus were the co-founders of the ascetical (monastic) community on the Solovetz Island in the White Sea. Many great saints were glorified in the Solovetz Community. St. Sabatius died in 1435 A.D., and Zosimus died in 1478 A.D.

April 2008

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Припремили Зоран Милановић, Чедо Кучинар и Милица Опачић.
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