
St. Sava Serbian School

Immediately after the arrival of our new priest Obrad Filipovic, the St. Sava Serbian School was established. Over 60 children attended two separate grades in the fall of 2000, with teacher Ljilja Miletic. It was a magnificent start with much enthusiasm from all of the children, parents and teachers.

The next school year the number of students was halved, but the school survived with those parents who were adamant in giving their children the gift of speaking and writing Serbian language. Zorka Maric and Marica Vujicic were teachers for the following three years.

St. Sava, celebrated on the 27th of January, is the slava (Patronal Feast Day) of the school. For that day, children and teachers prepare an entertainment program filled with Serbian songs and recitation. Traditionally, the godparent of the School takes the opportunity to provide appropriate gifts for all children who are present at the event.

Natalija Zonjic and her daughter Gordana Gigovic also taught in the Serbian School for a long time. Gordana organized annual visits to local theatres. In this period was formed our relationship with the Serbian School in Edmonton, which resulted in interesting collaboration and memorable mutual visits.
Another successful initiative launched in the framework of our school was the first Vaskrsnji (Easter) concert organized in 2004. It brought together more than twenty young musicians in the Serbian community in Calgary. They presented their talents playing on various instruments in a beautiful concert hall. Thanks to these performances that continued through the years, many children have acquired musical interests.

Later, the retired teacher Vucica Todorovic started working with our younger children, while Tosic Bojan and Maca Vujicic were educating the older students.

Thanks to the efforts of our teachers, forty students attended our classrooms in 2009. It was nice to see our children in such a large number and especially at the end of their lessons, when they would go to Church with Father Obrad to pray and give their respects to God.

Our school has reached its fourteenth year of existence thanks to the desire of our children and their parents to maintain their language and culture. Every Sunday morning you can find our dedicated teacher and our enthusiastic learners in the area below the Church. Classes run from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and include participation in the last portion of the Holy Liturgy.

Please consider enrolling your child in our school, where through knowledge and experience, young people gradually acquire the gifts of faith, identity and heritage.