My Lord, do whatever you want

When life goes wrong, when expectations are not fulfilled according to our ideas, when relationships in our family are difficult, when our children are not progressing, when illness and incurable diseases occur, when we do not know what to do, when we cannot find peace, when we are unable to learn, when we cannot pray and feel completely lost – let us not lose hope. Let’s just say: “My Lord, do whatever you want. I do not know; You know: You love me. If you want to separate me and my household – let it happen, if it is Your will.” When we say this, then God, Who loves His creation, comes and gives us strength, grace, and comfort that are beyond the understanding of anything that comes from the outside (surrounding). Then we really understand what it means that “Jonah cried out of the fish’s belly and was saved” and that “Christ is risen from the dead.”

Arhimadrite Vasilios of Iveron
Source: Monastery Podmaine