10 years in the new church

On February 26, 2024, on the day of St. Simeon Mirotocivi, it will be 10 years since moving into the new church.

“Nothing in life is accidental. Here, on Cheesefare Week, you moved to the new church – on the day when we remember Adam’s expulsion from Paradise with the hope that one day we will return there again.

You showed your faith when you built this church and won a reward both on Earth and in Heaven. But you should not forget that you do not build the Church, but She builds you. Our Lord established the Church on the Earth.

Even though the church is magnificent and well-built, you built it not so that people could pass by it and say “Wow!”, but to save your souls and educate your children in faith.”

“You have built the church, now continue to build up yourself spiritually by coming to Holy Services and saving your souls.”

Excerpts from the sermon of Bishop Georgije, February 26, 2014
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