Dear parishioners,

You are invited to a celebration of our Church Slava. On Sunday February 22. after the Holy Liturgy we will continue with lunch and cultural program in our hall.

Everyone is Welcome!!!
Yours truly, father Obrad

Commemoration of the Dead

Now the Holy Church directs our attention beyond the borders of our present life, to our fathers and brothers who have passed on from here. The Church hopes that by reminding us of their state (which we ourselves shall not escape), to prepare us to spend Cheese-fare week properly, as well as Great Lent which follows. Continue reading

Holy Three Hierarchs

Holy Three Hierarchs 2
Troparion – Tone 1

Let us who love their words gather together and honor with hymns the three great torch-bearers of the triune Godhead: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom.

These men have enlightened the world with the rays of their divine doctrines. They are sweetly-flowing rivers of wisdom filling all creation with springs of heavenly knowledge.

Ceaselessly they intercede for us before the Holy Trinity!


Saint Sava

Sava was born in 1169 A.D. He was the son of Stephen (Stefan) Nemanja the Grand Zupan of the Serbs. As a young man, Sava yearned for the spiritual life for which he fled to the Holy Mountain (Mt. Athos) where he was tonsured a monk and with rare zeal lived according to the ascetical rule. Continue reading

A Sermon On The Day Of Holy Theophany by St. John Maximovitch

Today the nature of the waters is sanctified. Today the Son of God is baptized in the waters of the Jordan, having no need Himself of cleansing, but in order to cleanse the sinful human race from defilement.

Now the heavens open and the voice of God the Father is heard: This is My beloved Son. The Holy Spirit descends upon the Savior of the world, Who stands in the Jordan, thereby confirming that this indeed is He Who is the incarnate Son of God. The Holy Trinity is clearly made manifest and is revealed to mankind. Continue reading

Christmas Epistle Of His Grace Georgije Bishop Of Canada

Freedom in Christ

In these times of discord, analogous to the words of Sacred Scripture: “When the last times come…”, the Son of God is coming. Christmas is coming again – the Christ Child, to teach us, to encourage us and to save us from hopelessness.

All of us are familiar with His teachings. He came to teach us and to lead us to His Truth. It is also known to us that as a small boy Christ came to the synagogue and taught and all were amazed at His teachings saying: “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works (Matt. 13:54)? Continue reading

Appeal for help

Dear Parishioners, Glory to the Lord:

In recent years we have witnessed and participated in major events in our community in Calgary; The purchase of the new land, construction of our Church and the completion of the landscape surrounding the Church. We believe that each of you is proud of what has been accomplished. Continue reading

The value of fasting

The value of fasting consists not only in abstinence from food, but in withdrawing from sinful practices; since he who limits his fasting only to an abstinence from meats, is one who especially disparages it.

Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works! Is it said by what kind of works? Continue reading