Schedule of Services for month of January 2016

Saturday, January 2- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Sunday, January 3- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM (Father’s Day)
Wednesday, January 6- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM (Day before Christmas)
Wednesday, January 6- Vespers with the blessing of the Badnjak at 6:30 PM (Christmas Eve).
Thursday, January 7- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM (Nativity of Jesus Christ-Christmas).
Friday, January 8- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM (Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos).
Saturday, January 9- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM. (St. Stephen, Archdeacon).
Sunday, January 10- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM
Thursday, January 14- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM. (Circumcision of Our Lord, St. Basil the Great, New Year).
Saturday, January 16- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM.
Sunday, January 17- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM.
Monday, January 18- Holy Liturgy with the Blessing of Water at 10 AM (Feast of the Holy Cross).
Tuesday, January 19- Holy Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water at 10 AM (Theophany-Epiphany-Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ).
Wednesday, January 20- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM (Synaxsis of St. John, Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist).
Saturday, January 23- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM.
Sunday, January 24- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM (St. Sava Celebration)
Wednesday, January 27- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM (St. Sava)
Saturday, January 30- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM
Sunday, January 31- Holy Liturgy at 10 AM

In our Holy Church Holy Liturgy is served every Saturday, Sunday and on great feast days (those days are written in red letters in the calendar) beginning at 10 AM.
A service to Saint John of San Francisco is served every Wednesday evening at 6PM.
Every Saturday (except if a great Holiday falls on Saturday) Holy Liturgy is served in English language.

So it is with the Most Holy Trinity

St. Spiridon


At the First Council in Nicaea, Holy Hierarch Saint Spyridon gave the Arians a graphic proof of the Unity within the Holy Trinity.

He took a brick into his hands, and squeezed it. Immediately, flame shot up from it, water poured down from it, and clay remained in the hands of the miracle worker. Then Saint Spyridon said, “Here are three elements, but one brick. So it is with the Most Holy Trinity: Three Faces, but One Divinity.”




Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Sv. NikolajIn icons of Saint Nicholas, the Lord Savior is usually depicted on one side with a Gospel in His hands, and the Most-Holy Theotokos – on the other side with an episcopal omophorion in her hands. This has a twofold historical significance: first, it signifies the calling of Nicholas to the hierarchical office, and second, it signifies his release from the condemnation that followed his confrontation with Arius.

St. Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople, writes: “One night St. Nicholas saw our Savior in glory, standing by him and extending to him the Gospel, adorned with gold and pearls. On his other side, he saw the Most-Holy Theotokos placing the episcopal omophorion on his shoulders”. Shortly after this vision, John the Archbishop of Myra died and Saint Nicholas was appointed archbishop of that city. That was the first event. Continue reading

Dear parishioners,
We are happy to announce that Georgian Bishop Sava from USA is visiting our Church. Also, the parishioners of the Georgian Church in Calgary are coming. Together with our priest and Georgian priest Bishop Sava will serve Holy Liturgy on Sunday December 6 at 10:00 AM. After the Liturgy a lunch will be served.
Please come and celebrate this day with us.

Board of Directors of Church-School Congregation,
father Obrad Filipovic

Dear parishioners,

You are invited to the 12th annual Krajina Evening which will be held on Saturday November 14 in our Church hall starting at 6:00 PM. Tickets are $60 for adults and $40 for youth (16-20) and seniors (65 and up). For youth under 16 entry is free. You can order your tickets by calling Goran Opacic 403-813-2380 or Bratoljub Blagojevic 403-617-4045, also you can buy tickets at our Church every Sunday after the Service.




The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

Herod Antipas, son of the elder Herod, who was the slayer of the children of Bethlehem at the time of the birth of the Lord Jesus, was ruler of Galilee at the time when John the Baptist was preaching. This Herod was married to the daughter of Aretas, an Arabian prince. But Herod, an evil sprout of an evil root, put away his lawful wife and unlawfully took unto himself Herodias as his concubine, the wife of his brother Philip, who was still living. John the Baptist stood up against this lawlessness and strongly denounced Herod who then cast John into prison. Continue reading