Sveti Simeon Google Group

Dear parishioners glory to our Lord,
Please carefully read this message! Given the change in the sending group messages from Google services, we had to open a group to send e-mails. You have been added to this group, and from now on you will in this way receive e-mails from our Church. If you have any questions, please contact the priest at 403-244-3586 or 403-554-3586.

If you haven’t received this message, check your junk mail also.


Sunday of All Saints

The Holy Church commemorates Saints every day. But because there have been God-pleasers who struggled in obscurity and were not revealed to the Holy Church, the Church has set a day on which we praise all those who have pleased God throughout the ages, that they all might be glorified by the Church. Continue reading

Sermon on the Holy Pentecost

We celebrate the feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Spirit, the appointed day of the promise, the fulfillment of hope. How majestic and great is the mystery!

We must consider the descent of the Holy Spirit not only as a miracle which glorified the Apostolic Church, but as an event inseparably united with the matter of our salvation. This feast day is not simply a reminder of a past event, but a continuation of the Apostolic preparation for the receiving of the Spirit, breathing where It will without end. We prayerfully invoke the Consoler, the Spirit of Truth, to come to us, as the Spirit once came upon the Holy Apostles. But in order for our prayer to succeed, we must know what it is we are to ask. Continue reading

Commemoration of the Dead

Nobody needs to be lazy in commemorating his own parents; but it is also necessary to commemorate all Orthodox Christians, and not only on this day, but at all times, in every prayer. We ourselves will be there, and will need this prayer like a poor person needs a piece of bread and a glass of water. Continue reading